Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Shazreeyana Shukri X Ferra Rossa Demo Make Up Class

Date: 8th October 2017 (Sunday)
Venue: Soiree Lab Putrajaya

If you're a make up artist, surely you will know the amazing siblings; Shazreeyana Shukri and Ferra Rossa. They are one of the most talented, and powerful ladies in the industry for more than 5years (I could be wrong, it's probably more than 5). 

I loved them. I idolised them. I envisioned them. I see my future self when I see them. They bring this aura, this this, positive vibes that pull you up to achieve your goals and dreams. Tak pernah lokek ilmu, tak pernah berlagak. If I were to text them now and ask, they will always reply. Gosh, they are good people, Alhamdulillah I have such amazing teachers. 

Anyways, back to our main topic, they held a demo class at Soiree Lab from 10am to 5pm. The classes was full of informative tips, and as a beginner I would definitely recommend you to go for their demo classes. It is really really really goooood. Not going to talk much, here are some photos from the class: 

Ferra & Yana preparing before the class starts

There were also booths, selling good quality products which Yana and Ferra recommends using.


There was also Lucky Draws prizes to be won. (Ps: I won one of the Lancome goodies)




Because we were too sleepy, Ferra made us do funny exercises


Certificate Ceremony

The cost of the demo makeup class was RM550. But in return for what we students paid, we received a lot of goodies from sponsors; 

and oh and not forgetting the knowledge we got from the class which is priceless! It is not the same as you get by watching fb live / youtube videos. It was an informative, exciting yet a fun experience! and so my next aim is to have a private one to one practical session with both them! In Shaa Allah. Thank you Kak Ferra & Kak Yana for the amazing experience! 

Till then,

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